Özet Görüntüleme: 149 / PDF İndirme: 66



Anahtar Kelimeler:

migration, urbanization, architecture, women, women's role, women's experience


Migration is the act of relocating people from the places where they were born, raised or lived to spend part or all of their lives for various reasons. Urbanization is the process of employment and production moving away from agricultural and rural activities and towards industry and service sectors, starting about 5,000 years ago in Mesopotamia.

While migration movements around the world shape the urbanization process and architecture, an important component of these processes has been the experiences and participation of women. Migration causes people to move to different places and often accelerates the process of urbanization. In this process, women attract attention with their social roles, needs and impact on architecture. The relationship between migration, urbanization, women and architecture represents an important transformation.

This research focuses on the roles of women in migration processes, the difficulties and opportunities they experience with urbanization, their reflections on architecture and their role in social transformation. How the change experienced by women with migration and urbanization can be addressed in the context of architecture and urban planning, women's experiences in these processes and their effects on social transformation constitute the main themes of the article. In this context, the roles of architecture and women in the process of social transformation are examined and discussed in the field of social equality and urban planning.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

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