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Anahtar Kelimeler:

Technological knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, field knowledge, technological pedagogical field knowledge, educational environments


Developments in technology are applied to many areas today. One of the most important areas where it is applied is education. It is important to introduce technologies into the education and training process, use them effectively and increase the area of use. For this reason, it has become mandatory for teachers to acquire technological pedagogical field knowledge. How this obligation emerged in educational environments and how it was realized was the subject of the research. In this context, in the research designed as a literature review, technological pedagogical content knowledge was addressed in the first stage, technological knowledge in the second stage, pedagogical knowledge in the third stage, pedagogical knowledge in the fourth stage, field knowledge in the fifth stage, pedagogical content knowledge in the sixth stage, technological field knowledge in the seventh stage and technological knowledge in the eighth stage. taken. In the last stage, domestic and international studies on technological pedagogical content knowledge are included. In the literature review, it was determined that technological information should be used strategically to support and enrich teaching and learning processes. In addition, in the literature review, regarding teachers' pedagogical knowledge; It has been determined that it is necessary to plan the teaching process, develop student-specific methods and strategies by taking into account the individual differences of the students, the activities carried out should be remarkable and have the knowledge to evaluate student levels through measurement and evaluation. This situation has been evaluated as one of the main factors in the positive outcome of the process, with teachers' mastery of various information about the components of the teaching-learning process. In addition to these results, it has been determined that before teachers use technology in educational environments, they should make a detailed organization by determining how the technology they choose will contribute to the realization of teaching activities, as well as the necessary information about the technologies they will use and taking into account the pedagogical approach to be followed by taking into account the learning differences of the students.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

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