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Dijital Şöhret, Tüketim Kültürü, Simülasyon Kuramı


With the increase and popularity of individuals meeting in virtual technology, the concepts of digital fame or virtual fame have emerged and a rapid increase has been seen in the number of new phenomena of social media due to economic gains and expanding fame. Curiosity to be known and popular is a feeling that comes from a will that arises from one's ego. This situation is observed from children to the elderly, regardless of age. In recent years, virtual famous phenomena have emerged due to the rise of the Youtube application and the possibilities of financial gain from being a youtuber. Today, digital fame is diverse. It is seen not only on Youtube, but also in social media applications such as Instagram, Facebook. The Millennium Age has brought with it the digital age. Now, it is claimed that the Digital World - Metaverse Age has arrived. This situation attracts children more. Especially child YouTubers lose themselves in this virtual consumption culture. In fact, parents have become officially blind due to the opportunities provided by digital fame, and they recklessly engage in marketing their children in this medium. The main problem of the X, Y, Z generations is those who are stuck in the transitional age. Especially with the rise of YouTube, which covers the Z generation, "YouTube phenomena" with millions of subscribers have emerged, making digital games, video blogs, fashion and makeup videos. These individuals are generally famous among children and young people and especially affect their peers. They encourage them to produce similar content through social networking channels and also set an example for children to become famous. The things that are done for the sake of increasing the number of subscribers and gaining from this situation are beyond themselves to be predictable. Baudriallard talks about the unreal artificial temporary simulated fame achieved in a short time within the consumer culture. In this context, the study will be shaped within the framework of Baudriallard's simulation theory. A comprehensive and comprehensive approach, which is the comprehensiveness of education within the scope of simulation, a commercial commodity will be presented with the review of the education through videos, a decentralized platform and the continuation of the children in need of adulthood.


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How to Cite

GÜÇLÜ, S., & GÜLÇAY, H. (2024). SIMULATE FAME THAT HAS TURNED INTO COMMERCIAL META KIDS YOUTUBERS. Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 10(37), 36–52.